by Sue Emerick
Top ten things I have learned:
• Better health and wellness comes from making daily decisions
• Think small when getting started on the path toward fitness and lifestyle changes. A short bike ride is better than no bike ride.
• I have never regretted getting out and doing something no matter what the challenge was to getting started. Fending off magpies while riding a bike is a very big and unusual challenge.
• Friends and family make the whole thing a lot easier.
• Stretching and fascia rolling are essential
• The 100 day challenge helped broaden my thinking to include things like art and literature for a more healthier living.
• Having a regular exercise class that you can easily attend and enjoy helps a lot.
• Think creatively and change things up a bit. It is fun to try new and different sports.
• Think young.
• The Fitness journal has helped me keep track of what I have done in a day.
and for continued success
• It is up to ME to make it continue to work
• Take on new challenges. For me it is an appointment with a nutritionist.
Thank you once again
Sue Emerick
Sue, I totally agree with the “think young”. That is what helps us to tackle the things that we might not try to do, or what we might give up on. I also like the journals as they have made me more accountable for how I was exercising and eating every day.
Ta ta for now
Love shu
I found I did better in my fitness goals when I had a class I liked – unfortunately my job interferes with that – so I’m not able to attend anymore.
I’m searching for a new class – and I agree – its up to ME to make it work.
Sounds like you got a lot out of this challenge… congrats!
Way to go Sue! I love your Top 10 Lessons! You certainly learned a lot from participating in the 100 Day Wellness Challenge. Congratulations!
I agree with you lessons and it is great to see you are already setting your next goals.
I love the daily choices comment, I have thought of it a few times in the past few days since I read it. It is so true, and makes so much sense.