Originating in China, acupuncture is a therapeutic technique involving the insertion of extremely fine “atraumatic needles” into specific points on the body. Insertion of needles produces both a local effect on any tissues (muscles,nerves,tendons,ligaments) in the area as well as a more global effect on the body via the nervous system. Both traditional and anatomical acupuncture have been proven to be extremely effective in treating pain and inflammation in orthopaedic conditions.
Developed over thousands of years in China, traditional acupuncture is based around Taoism. Taoists believe that within the universe and within our bodies, the opposing forces of yin & yang must be balanced. If these forces are imbalanced in our bodies, then illness or injury may result. Traditional Acupuncture includes thousands of points and a complicated method of diagnosis that investigates pulses and the appearance of the tongue. It is generally practiced by an Acupuncturist, and can treat most medical conditions ranging from addictions to kidney stones.
Anatomical acupuncture is based on the same theory as traditional acupuncture, but it integrates the western scientific understanding of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology. Anatomical acupuncture includes fewer points and focuses solely on treating conditions of the musculoskeletal and nervous system. However, points for relaxation, energy, insomnia and any other systemic (whole body) effects may also be used. Anatomical acupuncture is practiced by numerous health care providers including physicians, physiotherapists and nurses.
Frequently Asked Questions about Acupuncture
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